Mark 8: 31 And He begins to teach them that the Son of Mankind must be suffering much and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed and after three days rise.
Mark 14: 34 And He is saying to them, "Sorrow-stricken is My soul to death. Remain here and watch."35 And, coming forward a little, He fell on the earth and prayed that, if it is possible, the hour may pass by from Him.36 And He said, "Abba, Father, all is possible to Thee. Have this cup carried aside from Me. But not what I will, but what Thou!"
Now according to Mark 8:31, Jesus knew that the day would come when he would suffer and be killed. He knew and believed it so well that He taught it to His disciples. Yet, in Mark 14:35-36, He asked the Father if it might be possible that "the hour may pass". Had Jesus gone through something similar before? Could this situation be similar to when Jesus spoke of the events preceding and leading up to the Tribulation.? He knew what was going to happen but He didn't know the exact time and hour. After all Jesus was still a relatively young man at age 33 and perhaps even though He knew with certainty He would one day suffer and die, He didn't know exactly when. Just food for thought.
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