Standing Against Error

Time was when many quite ordinary men and women were sufficiently mighty in the Scriptures by themselves to make the stand against error that we ALL should be making. Those who have such gifts ought to be on call for helping others, though this need not require outstanding intelligence or some highly recognized degree of learning.

The translation and understanding of the Greek original has been illuminated now by so much research that the ordinary person should be able to stand on his own feet against all adversaries, relying only on the power of the Word alone and the Holy Spirit Who speaks therein. What is often lacking in making a stand for the truth is not the ability to befit one's self; it is rather the lack of the WILL to do so; the consuming love of truth that ought to burn in us all.

It is a solemn fact (and for the Christian it also should be a most alarming one) that each time a person turns aside from truth in favor of some teacher's dogma, he makes the task of retracing his steps more and more difficult. The human mind tends to move in set patterns of thought, so as long as the mind conforms to the pattern of Scripture, it faithfully reflects the spirit and teaching of Scripture. On the other hand, if the mind is permitted to run in accord with a pattern of some dogma which a different mind has devised contrary to Scripture, that will very soon change the pattern into something altogether different from Scripture; and, worse still, neither mind will be aware of that perversion. Of all such things let us beware.

Excerpted from an editorial in Treasures of Truth, circa 1972.

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